Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Let's Party!! Sign up! sign up!

Have you signed up to join the fun for American Craft Week, 4-13 October 2019? It's our 10th Birthday, we'd love it if you'd help us make it very special.
There's an early bird special rate of $25 if you sign up before June 30, so don't delay. It takes 5 minutes, please, sign up now... this link takes you to the sign up page. What could be easier? 
We look forward to seeing what you've got planned!
"Se" you at the party ... where ever it is you hold a great craft event for our birthday 🎉

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Get your State involved!

Last year the American Craft Week Star Award for Exceptional Support from the Public Sector went to the Tennessee Department of Tourist Development (TDTD.) A well deserved award. TDTD supports Tennessee Craft Week (check out one of their fabulous videos below) with an annual monetary sponsorship - and this makes a big difference. State support can really make an impact on the craft & arts industry. And the craft and arts industry is a big money earner for states. It should be a natural partnership.
Find out how your state is involved in promoting the creative economy and what more they could do. Raise awareness - a creative community enriches every day life. Make sure people discover, and joins, American Craft Week - ACW highlights the crafts on a national scale. Help us, help your state and help local crafts and artists! 
And mark your calendar for 4-13 October 2019 for this is our 10th anniversary. It's special!

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Plan ahead to visit Baker City, Oregon in October

AmericanCraft Week's 2018 Star Award for a group event went to Oregon's Baker City Studio Tour, a fabulous feast of mediums and artists. Did you attend this event? 
How about you visit Baker City, Ore., this year for their studio tour? It's definitely a treat. Gather friends, check out the websites, plan a mini vacation (maybe stay at the fabulous restored Geiser-Grand Hotel on Main Street) and then let us know how great it was – and what you enjoyed the most! Artists (and the studio tour organisers) love to hear how they're doing!
A weaver demonstrates her craft at Crossroads Carnegie Art Center in Baker CIty, Ore.
Whatever activity you choose to attend, participate in, organise or follow be sure to mark your calendars for the dates 4-13 October, 2019 for the 10th Anniversary of American Craft Week.